Ipswich’s best tackle national multi-event test

Highly-ranked Ipswich and District Athletic Club heptathlete Charlize Goody.


THE Ipswich and District Athletic Club will be represented by what could be a record turnout at this weekend’s Australian Combined Events Championships in Brisbane.

The focus is on decathlon and heptathlon on Saturday and Sunday.

The Ipswich club has nine women competing over the two gruelling days of competition.

The first day events are 100m hurdles, high jump, shot put and 200m.

Competition on the second day features long jump, javelin and 800m, testing the mental toughness and stamina of the competitors.


The Ipswich club heptathlon representatives (and ranking) are:

U15:  Charlize Goody (1), Monique Williams (8), Toby Stolberg (10).

U16:  Mikaela Doneley (9), Sophie Wilkins (10).

U17:  Erin Wright (3).

U18:  Laylanu Va’Ai (12).

U20:  Madison Wells (2), Hayley Wright (4).

Ipswich and District Athletic Club heptathletes Madison Wells and Hayley Wright.

Ipswich club coach Vic Pascoe was confident the regional contingent would meet the challenge.

“Being pitted against the best in Australia, our club athletes are a great chance of medalling in several age groups,” Pascoe said.

“There have been many club coaches of different disciplines making sure the athletes will be at their best for the tough competition.”

Ipswich and District Athletic Club heptathlete Laylani Va’ai.

Club coaches who have mentored the athletes are Theresa “Marty” Stolberg, Mark Sills, Mick Moore, Ted Ruben, Darin Coombs, David Wright and Pascoe.

“I believe that this is a record number of club athletes competing at this level, being the national heptathlon competition,” Pascoe said.